Well it is now people! Welcome to MY internet -
I have been doing a little research, in my spare time (did I just hear you laugh out loud too?), in an attempt to better understand the Mongol and their military superiority over, uhmm... EVERYONE they came across. I mean, yah they had horses and eventually catapults (technology they stole). And they were well practiced after hundreds of years of fighting amongst themselves. Oh, and they had the psychological war games down pretty good. We burn rape and pillage every so often and then run TV commercials and drop leaflets showing pictures of dead babies to our enemies. That ought to scare the bajesus out of em... And we will catapult rotting corpses infected by the plague over city walls, as if the burning raping and pillaging was not enough... This stuff is no less gruesome than the inquisition in Spain years later were they torture families, cut off the mother's breasts and shove them in the children's mouths before burning them just short of death. Only to kill them with the sword as a final blow. Makes Guantanamo seem like a picnic really...
But I digress...
What really is interesting is the Mongolian Bow
Here is a little ditty I read about such things... Let me paraphrase.
Very sophisticated, had several types and most riders rode with two compound bows in fact. One for short range and one for longer targets.
They also rode with many different types of arrows, on average carrying a total of 40 (I know this because some guy's blog on the net told me so). They carried both long and short range arrows, standard everyday arrows, arrows with heavy tempered metal tips used for piercing armor, oh and the incendiary arrows...
You know the ones...
Lite em on fire and then shoot them into your tent, house, thatched roof hut, the church, hospital, library, bank, market... you get the picture.
And, no, it is not just the Mongol men that are good at this kind of war... Their woman were equally skilled lighting a building on fire with an arrow from atop a horse at 30 paces.
And this might be the thing I love the most. You can tell a lot about a society by the way its woman are treated. Here there is full and equal right (something unusual for the time, and many would argue our time as well) for both woman and man. I simply love a strong woman, and particularly one that can keep up with the boys on an all nighter pillaging and ransacking other towns. My heart be still...
Now is the moment you have all been waiting for... Yes the bar has been set and an image, video, singing telegram, some sort of multi media is necessary here. It does not need to be authentic, plagiarization (probably not a real word, but it is HERE biaches), republication and the like are highly encouraged in fact reworded or is that rewarded (ah who cares this is a blog after all and grammar and spelling never seem to matter on blogs).

For more unreliable information on the Mongol's Military Soficitcates go here
BTW - Feel free to vote below... You know this is just blog-u-topia!