Saturday, July 3, 2010

Never Yank a Wanker - Greetings from the UK

Ok - I know you are supposed to blog on the readings, but what if you have not read? DOh - did I just say that? Kidding Madeline...


Arrived in the UK yesterday, staying in a company flat which is a 5 minute walk from Paddington... The station, not the bear, although I do love that cuddly little guy...

There is something slightly ironic, that I find myself here on the fourth of July weekend. Is that the celebration of when we kicked the pants of those Brits? Even further, I am here looking for a house as I plan my expatriation from the US. Feels a little strange. I keep wondering why the Brits don't celebrate the 4th along with us. I mean really, we are now their biggest ally and are a significant contributor to both their economy and their military. I am certain, given that every thing is backwards here (I am sure I am offending a great number of people by that comment) that had the colony lost the revolution, Brittan would not have turned the colony into the country it is today. Ah - American arrogance at its best, no?!

Speaking of arrogance...

I decided that since I will be missing class on Monday due to the large amount of beer and BBQ most Americans will be enjoying that I would substitute a trip to a museum. Now I know we are supposed to write a paper, and I will, but let me tell you a little about it here.

We took the tube over to the British History Museum. You know the one, this is the great building where the Brits house all the amazing artifacts they stole from the rest of the world and now have them on the display for free, so we can all enjoy them. Yah, that one... I guess they could be even more arrogant if the stole all this stuff and then charged the public...

It is bar none the most amazing collection of history you will ever see under one roof. Had I known that this had existed before I would have skipped this course entirely... Kidding Madeline, you are doing a terrific job ;-)

The Mueseum is broken up into regions and items are displayed accordingly. There are artifacts dating back 1.4 million years ago... the first known tool and the first known art. The tool... looks like a freaking rock... Common people, it is a rock in a glass case... The art, water buffalo carved on a mammoth tusk... Freaking amazing...

Oh - the first pornography too... A rock with a couple "making love" as the caption said... First representation of humans having sex... It looked a lot like rock porn, you must see this.

They have an entire room on the enlightenment, when I say room, it is probably an 8000sq ft room. Constructed to house Henry the (I donno), the somethings, personal library. It is quite amazing.

Anyway, I could go on and on... oh and some crazy preserved dead guy with his skin still on... Yes, I will be showing a picture of him shortly, glad you asked.

We will be returning today for an hour to catch the last day of an African Carving exhibit. I would say check it out but suspect that even if you flew private you would not make it in time.

Tonight we have reservations at the River Cafe, which is an Alice Waters like restaurant in London serving only locally grown ingredients. WHAT you say ... this is not California, what to the Brits grow, Steak and Potatoes? I know I am with you... Will report out on that shortly... Since I am certain you and the rest of the world care about these matters.

Oh Yah, speaking of appetizing... check this guy out (as promised)

Look closely... Yes, I do believe those are testicles... I know I am a little kid, but um... no one promised literary genius here nor any level of maturity... You are welcome to click you back button at any time...


  1. Glad you are enjoying yourself. As always a very entertaining blog.

  2. Did you check out the Assyrian palace reliefs?!

  3. Sounds like a great trip! Where was this body found to enable the skin to be intact?

  4. I did see the reliefs - The size of them are impressive!! Also saw the early clay writing "documents" equally impressive in another much smaller way. Need a magnifier to even see the details.

  5. Interestingly the body was simply put in a sand hole. There was another case just next to this one that had a body put in a box made of sticks and straw and as you would expect what was left was a pile of bones (which yes, they did have displayed). So it seems the sand is able to insulate the body from moisture and thereby preserving it.
